Regard to make progress as your
motto of life, expend your knowledge and talents make continuous progress towards making your body healthy , strong and graceful
towards being successful and towards earning
appreation for your work. Be diligent
to rise to higher levels, have more and more good friends and loved
ones, collect collect flowers of excellance ,endow your self with good
qualities, increase your self- reliance, sharpen and enlighten your mind ,increase experience, and awaken your
descreet wisdom.Do not consider yourself incapable ,weak and
helpless.Relinquish the doubts that how
can you move ahead towards a higher goal without substantial resources.
Remember that the sourcere
of strength is not in the resources
or external support but in yotur attitude, thoughts and spirit . If
you are to go with desire of moving ahead , and your intense wish to make
progress is going strong ,then rest
assured that you will definitely gain
the resources,God bless them who surge ahead with courage. Your parent--- the
God –likes your efforts. Courage strong wishes
and helps you in moving ahead.
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