yoga keeps always young.Add caption |
It is well known that healthy body
and sound mind are necessary for
progress in every walk of life. One can move ahead in the direction of progress only by
remaining free from sickness ; one who
is healthy alone can collect wealth and
truly enjoy the same. What is the use of
wealth worth millions or more, if one is devoid of good health? How can one
take any of the tasty items of food arranged in a plate kept before him if he
has no strength to consume the same in
his stomach ? various types of enjoyments and riches are available in this
world but what is the use of them? If there is no strength or ability to enjoy
them ? what is the use of costly combs for
a bald man? What pleasure can a lame
person get from beautiful shoes ? The wold is an enjoyable
place ,fountains of nature’s
delight are spread around, enormous
tools of merriment and pleasure are scattered everywhere in this world. The non
living images on cinema screen keep pleasures
bubbling in the heart of two hours. The
wold is a live cinema, where live images are moving ,playing their respective parts, one images laugha one
makes you cry, one incites anger, while
the other is soothing. Undoubtly
this world has elements and opportunities
Of joy . that is why pure
knowledge, unattached, sorrowless ,preeminent soul again wishes to appear here
in life forms every time takes birth ,dies and again comes back in it.
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