Pandit Bhojraj
shukla has described this in his guidelines on pranayama.Sit in asna (yoga postur) that comforts you with
erect spinal cord. Remain straight don’t lean in any direction( left, right
,forward or back). Keep your chin on the chest and look at the tip of your
nose.Block your right nostril by the thumb of right hand and fill your tummy by
breathing in at slow and steady pace though the left nostril. Then close your
left nostril by the ring finger and the fourth finger of the right hand.Do a mental japa of om during this state (called antah kumbhak ) of retrain breath.
State in this for few seconds.Then breath out at the same pace through the
right nostril; the left nostril will remain closed this time. After breathing
out closed the right nostril again and don’t
breath for few moments. This state is called bahya kumbhak. The silent
jup of om should continue through this practice. Now open both the nostril and
take a normal deep breath.This completes one pranayma .Repeat this three times.
This pranayama
repeated should also be repeated with reverse cycle of breathing ,e.i
breathing thorugh the right nostril the
exhaling the left ……continue the daily practice with a gradual increase in the
durations of kumbhaks and corresponding augmentation of your capacity to retain
the breath in and out.for example initially you may do the jup of om for ten
times then go up to twenty times after a fortnight, thirty times after a moth
and also and so on till you can any difficulty.
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