Saturday, May 31, 2014

Challenge the science ; Medition (sadhana) has solvenment to every deasse.

yoga posture
God is pleased with the earnest worthy efforts of an individual, who has a strong desire to excel, who wholeheartledly makes efforts and strives for chiseled refinement  and progress; he is regarded as a true devotee and is graced by God loves.  There is no surprise if God renders some special assistance to the one  on whom He bestows special love. There is well known ‘’God helps those who helps themselves’’  The supreme father presents means of assisstace  for the people with progressive nature to make their endeavoring  jouney smooth.  This how getting sudden, indefinite unknown assistance becomes possible.   The holy Bible states --- ‘’Demand and you will be granted; knock and you will be open to you.’’  The holy Ramayan implies the same--- He who loves some thing truly, will get it undoubtly.  The world is God complete creation in all respects; noting is lacking or lying disorderly here.  All can be achived provided there is an inner desire a strong will accompanied with intense efforts.  When a small child  crawls on his knees, his mother teaches him to stand and walk.  She shows him a piece of  sweet at a slightly higher point so that the child stands up to get it.  When he has learnet to stand up, she tempts him with a fruit, a sweet, a toy etc to teach him to walk on feet and encourages the child.  In this process her hidden aim is that the child learns to stand up leaving crawling and learns to walk on his feet, and keeps up his progress journey.  Likewise God has presented  the attractions of name and fame, wealth, property, wisdom, strength etc so that we strive zealously to achieve them and while making efforts evolve our mental make- up to an approval, strong and develoved one.


To follow up; Urge and limitation of food in a healthy system.

good yoga
Find out where are you negligent in respect of food and life style,the two pillars of health, by closely examining  them.  The instructions of nature  are quite clear in respect of food and there is no difficulty at all in listening and unerstanding  them. When to take food? Its clear answer is that when the stomach demands, when intense hunger is felt. Not to take anything  without hungry is one such golden principle, which can protect your heath life long.  Do not take anything till you feel intensly hungry.  Do not put new burden on stomach till it completes its previous task of digesting and disturbing the vital elements.  If you assign him a new task even before the previous task is over, and load him with  a third task without complation of the earlier two task, the result would be that the servent is not able to execute even one task properly and all task lie incomplete. With excess of work, the strength of worker gets exhausted excessively  and so he is unable to complete the other works adeptly and in time. To eat when one is not hungry is unjust  to the stomach.  A man fond of eating  goes on goes beyond any limits without consideration  to weather it is required by the machnism to digest.  If rice is placed in a vessel for cooking  and two table- spoon – full of rice is added to it every twenty minutes the result  will be that some rice will be fully cooked , some will be half cooked and some will remain uncooked and rice cooked in this way will not be liked by anybody. It is totally improper to go on collecting  some half cooked and some fully cooked food in the stomach.  Take food in time and then do not add even one more grain to it till the stomach needs new food.  Entrust the new work after the assigned task is completed.

Simply Natural; Mother Nature Rules and Attitude Within you.

The source of strength and beauty lies in health.  The person will be strong and will have an impressive personality if he his health is sound.  Therefore efforts have to be made remain free of illness and to maintain a good health, instead of taking synthetic and medicines to improve strength and to use cosmetics to become fair. Bernard Mcfadden of health science says---- there are just a few rules and very simple too, to keep up good health, there is no need to go through any big books or visit to any laboratory to learn them.   What is important is only applying  your ‘over intelligence’  ‘against nature.If you recognize nature as your wise mother and agree to follow  what it ordains then it can be said with certainty that you will also be able to keep vigorous health just as the other living beings created by nature enjoy life keeping safety.your wish to have a good health depended upon your choices which sooth  you observe your self and find out which instructions of Mother nature are you flouting and what all excess are you imposoing on yourself. Whichever violences  and indesplines comes , alerting your self pay attention and If you are following a wrong direction stop at the very moment  follow the right directention.

Parents keen Interested ; Building Infants Morarilty and Their Progressive future.

parent's attitude
It is observed that people who are progressive by nature continue to get assistance  from somewhere or the other moving  ahead, at times suddenly , to an extent beyond their anticipation or imagination.  Ordinary  person perform huge tasks, unexpectedly get such opportunities  which open up enormous progress.  Seeing them persons with average intellect remark that such and such person has showered great support to accelerate his progress.  We term it mercy of God. A parent weigh the habbits and wishes of his children ; he sends that  child to school who is keen to study , he open  a shops who is interested in business and assign the task of grazing  the cattle to the one who is lazy and disinterested.  The parent arranges finance if needed to set up business or to pay for fees or other expences for studies for the ones who are inclined so. On getting  the money- order all of sudden for meeting the expences of studies an innocent  boy may feel that the help has appeared totally out of the blue, but in fact nothing in this organized world ,every tasks progresses systematically.  The child being  very keen to study naturally draw the attention of his parents and scincere diligence comples them to arrange support for his study . The parents do not care for a disinterested, effortless child after  engaging him in the task of grazling once, but they cannot leave the industrious  and studios children unattented.

Sunday, May 25, 2014

Your Decision and selection are switching key to a personality develovment.

beaty yoa
To improve the wisdom it is necessary not to remain obstinate or prejudiced on any one issue and not to be bent upon proving your own view superior. Instead if you accept national, well- reasoned views and are ready to correct yourself like an impartial seeker of the truth or like and open minded reasercher, then your knowledge will inhance day by day.Those, who persist with the thought that ‘’our views are proper and those of others false” will never make any progress in their knowledge and reasoning. Those who intend to expand their  awisdom and enhance their experience, should follow the approach of being receptive to learning and should be selective in what to b
e accepted.A simple method to find out the utility or worthlessness of anything is to keep in view the other similar things and make a detailed  analysis with unprejudiced mind to find which of them is better. Its not proper to be blind following of anything under the influcnce of sentiments without discreation; this does not awaken the brilliance of mind, nor does this make it possible to achive the best. Do not count just the adventages of the task you want to undertake. By doing this you may falter. So pay attention to the harm also besides the adventages keeping in view the associated difficulties.  Decision and selection made after considering all the revelant asp,ects will be sound and will seldom any ground for repentance.

In the field of spirituality, shradha(faith-devotion-sincerity-surrendur) reigns supreme.

goldi yoga
Just as  in the physical world  the force of nature are responsible for all action, reactions and consequences there of , the miracles shardha in the sadhak .  in absesnce of shardha, spiritual practices are reduced to meaningless rituals and the efforts involved in them hardly produce any results  About significance of shardha.

The ‘magnetic’ power of vishvas and Sharadha and the potential of determination are not mere imaginationa. Indeed, they are conscious streams of immense power. The unlimited power  of emotions and strong will has also been well recognized and experienced in the present era of sciencetific developments. The philosophers, and the exeperts of the science of spirituality know the that the senltimental core,the Mana ( mind) Budhi (intellect) chitta (subconscious mind) and Ahamkara  (sense of self existence)  works on the basis of this sublime power of the chetan( consciousness) . 

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Health diary;with sadhana pranayam sankalpa(meditation)

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B.V.M.research center.
There are about sixty four types of methods Indian for controlled breathing as described in the shastras on Yoga sadhanas.Several others types of breathing exercises are also popular out side India. The specific breathing  associated with the yoga Sadhanas of pranayama do offer the positive effects of physical health along with rousing mental and inner strength.The sankalpa part of pranayam largely depends upon the sadhana’s will power and mental concertation. A variety of mantra and pictrorical pattrans or images for meditataion are prescribed for this purose.The jap ( reapeted anuciation )of these Mantras and focused imagination of the specific objects helps to develop the mental engrossment necessary for should feel as though he is immersed in the ocean of divine prana and attempt to consistently suck this subtle energy through each breath.

Saturday, May 17, 2014

helianthus exercises; is constantly usage in every stated men or patient.

my yoga dedication.
The people, whose hands anord legs are put to rigours labor, must also exercise their stomch lungs eyes etc.So exercises should be such that components put to less use also are put to movement and action. From this point of view the yogic exercises are very useful indeed. Different kinds of deep breathing exerceses( pranayamas ) and the asnas like swarngasana, halasna, paschimoottasna, Dhanuasna pavanmukasana, etc are found to be very useful in general. Besides, whatever types of exercises found convient can be  undertaken. The time to exercises should be near about sunrise in the morning .These activities remain incomplete without involving mental feelings therefore it is necessary that the mind is relaxed and engrossed in positive feelings of the effect the exercises ----‘’with this activity I am gaining’’ and enhancing  my strength and my body parts are getting build up. Even light exercises,if undertaken scinecerly with a fitness of these feelings will result in benefits beyond expactations. Even while resorting to light exercises ,the weak ,the old or the pregnant woman will achive the same results as achievable with tough exercises, if frim belief is maintained that ‘’ strength is being gained”.

Hansha yoga: The Elixer Of Self –Realisation,Mediation (soham)

The Hansa yoga or soam sadhana is crowned in the Indian Spiritual as the  paramount spiritual endeavour that enables natural conjuction of  the individuahl consciousness and the Brahm.Despite being  superior in terms of  it’s culminated effects, this sadhana is easiest  and free from  the ascertic disciplines and difficult  practices of yoga that are  associated  with other higher level spiritual sadhanas. The treatise of sadhana  Braham,nada . Meditation on the sounds of  soa and ham produced continuously by harmonized inhalation and exhalation in each breathing cycle during  a pranayam  is practiced in the initial phase of  the Hamsa yoga.The Harkar (sound of ,ha) is regarded as a manifestation  of God Shiv in the cosmic energy currents  of  prana and (sakar the sound of sa) represents the existence of the eternal power of  of thy superconsciousness  in the spiritual impulse of  prana.The surya swara (through the solar nerve) is awakened by hakar and the (Chandra swara through the lunar nerve) by sakar. These swaras are harmonized in the higher level pranayam  of this context of meditation of self realization too. Hence ,the decent in this meditation is  unique and utility of life involces  total sacrifice of the ego and dissolution of the identity of the ,self supereme consciousness,expression of the Brahm.

The sohama sadhana enables realization of the ‘’Nada yoga’’ through prana .the science  and  philosophy of  this Sadhana is also discussed here in the context of the japa,jap of the the gayatri Mantra and the kundalini sadhana.The author has been through , yet  lucid  in discussing  this esoteric field  of the science through yoga and meditation reflecting a good conversation and reality canbe a fruitful in practicing a lot in day today life. The  fundamental importance of the subject  and authentic knowledge presented in a perspicuous style making precious assests in the aspirants 0f the realization and illumination of the individual self.

Nature as your wise mother and ordains a good healthy and prosperity.

vigrorous health
If you recognize Nature as your wise mother and agree to follow what it ordains then it can be said with certainty that you will also be able to keep a vigrorous health and just as the other living beings created by nature enjoy  life by keeping  healthy bodies.  If you desire health, search it within, observe yourself  and find out which instructions of Mother Nature are you flouting  and what all excesses are you imposing  on your self. Whichever violences and indiscipline come to your notice get rid of them without any further delay. If  you are following  a wrong  direction stop at the very moment  you  detect it, take an about  turn and start moving  in the right direction.

The good Health and Sound mind, in ( experiencing in meditation yoga )signs for a Prosperity life.

The original strength is health.  It is so important it is called the foundational necessity for all types of endeavors of accomplished of human life. The books opine that good health is the implement  to accomolish dharma , (moral duties) artha  (prosperity) karm (wordly desires) moksha ( ultimate enlightment  salvation of sorrows )  . HE who  is not healthy can not transact his duties efficiently and righteously cannot ,can not acquire prosperity cannot  be successful in fulfilling  his aspirations nor can he enjoy relinquishment  from sorrows and tentions. For all these four healthy body  and mental well being  are necessary. There is no pleasure anywhere in the world  if health is not maintained.He, who continuous  to moan with pain illness does not even get relief from uneasiness and impatience--- how can such a poor soul get even abite of pleasure? The impotant of health is so evident  that there cannot be atwo opinions on it.  Health is prime amongst  the elements of strength required for achieving  and using the desirable things in the world. In the absence of health the life becomes joy less inactive painful and burdensome.Good health is one natural state gifted by nature. Leaving  aside some exceptions this gift  is ordinaly available to all beings. Observe the animals and birds in the jungle--- is even one of them seen ill? Groups of dear,hords of  cattle in forest jump and move like balls. Pigs, elephant, peacocks ducks ,parrots ,cerows ,cuckoos, starling, nightgales .How nicely  do crocerodiles, tortoise and frogs frolic in water.Never  do any of them suffer from headache ,cold, fever, arthritis or jaundice. When their time in the world is over they live their bodies easily. They donot need doctors. Poor creatures they donot consume bottles of medicines, they are not fortunate enough to listen to any health sermons ,visits to health resorts and sanatoria is not in their fate; but still hey are always healthy. Those unnfortunate domestic animals and birds on the contrary, often lose their health as a result of the activities of their owerners.Even then in many ways they are comparatively better off health- wise then their owners; they rarely fall sick and if they do the illness is very little and not prolonged  in most cases. 

Key ;to get Succeeded and sustained the Healthy life.

yoga keeps always young.Add caption
It is well known that healthy body and sound mind  are necessary for progress in every walk of life. One can move ahead  in the direction of progress only by remaining free  from sickness ; one who is healthy alone can collect wealth  and truly enjoy the same. What  is the use of wealth worth millions or more, if one is devoid of good health? How can one take any of the tasty items of food arranged in a plate kept before him if he has no strength  to consume the same in his stomach ? various types of enjoyments and riches are available in this world but what is the use of them? If there is no strength or ability to enjoy them ? what is the use of  costly combs for a bald man? What pleasure  can a lame person get from beautiful shoes ? The wold is an  enjoyable  place ,fountains of  nature’s delight  are spread around, enormous tools of merriment and pleasure are scattered everywhere in this world. The non living images on cinema screen keep pleasures  bubbling in the heart of two hours. The  wold is a live cinema, where live images are moving ,playing  their respective parts, one images laugha one makes you cry, one incites anger, while  the other is soothing. Undoubtly  this world has elements and opportunities 

Of joy . that is why pure knowledge, unattached,  sorrowless  ,preeminent soul again wishes to appear here in life forms every time takes birth ,dies and again comes back in it.

Retains endeavors and willingness for a porporeous life.

Regard to make progress as your motto of life, expend your knowledge and talents make continuous progress  towards making  your body healthy , strong and graceful towards being successful and towards earning  appreation for your work. Be diligent  to rise to higher levels, have more and more good friends and loved ones, collect collect flowers of excellance ,endow your self with good qualities, increase your self- reliance, sharpen and enlighten your  mind ,increase experience, and awaken your descreet wisdom.Do not consider yourself incapable ,weak and helpless.Relinquish the doubts that how  can you move ahead towards a higher goal without substantial resources. Remember  that  the sourcere  of strength is not in the resources  or external support  but  in yotur attitude, thoughts and spirit . If you are to go with desire of moving ahead , and your intense wish to make progress is going strong ,then rest  assured that  you will definitely gain the resources,God bless them who surge ahead with courage. Your parent--- the God –likes your efforts. Courage strong wishes  and helps you in moving ahead.

Through Yoga; Esteems and boost the energy for a better performance in life.

Air that we enhale enters the body , it’s oxygen conted provides redness and( essential energy ) to blood.There  after air becomes worthless ,the body expels it. That air was very useful when it was breathed in , but after the processing it lost  its utility for  that specific purpose.Now new air is required fresh air need to be breathed  in. If we are conteded with the past breath and think that much air is adequate for us, why take more then this thinking will prove harmful, It would hinded the sustenance  of life.The same is applicable in respect of progress. The virtuous potential you had  earned earlier had strengthened and improve your life to an exten. That potential is exhausted now.  The  that  was taken earlier  in the day.Its worth has been used , it has been digested, so now food is required later. Air  that was inhaled last moment has been utilized ; new breath is required now.The improvement achieved once had rendered progress at the time.To gain further additional strength to rise further , to earn new motivation to earn new improvement is necessary.  The  car has moved the ten miles with one gallon patrole, now if it has to move any further the driver has to provide it more petrol, otherwise it will stay put where it is,further movement will not be possible.

Health diary; Labyrith of philosophy (suggestion)in prosperity life:

To move ahead further and further ,new strength needs to be cultivate continuosly . your improvement should  never stop. Please note satishfaction has  also another senses, which  is advised in the context reastraing the greed for selfish possession, sensual pleasure, etc.In the present  context , you should only know  never to cease moving ahead (on the excelsior of your life) uninterruptedly you have to move forwarred…. Your empty vessels of pittiness  needs to be filled by collecting greatness drop by drop.Its is no worth  following the footsteps of that man who falls and in slumber the moment his stomach is full, and again turns and grumbles only when hunger agitates him the small ant ,which preoare for its future. It collects  grain in its hole for the time ahead, so that it can remain alive even if it does not get an opportunity  to get out of its hole for several times due to rains.the small honey bee also plans today for it is certainly not proper for man, the intelligent being  to not to think ahead  after fullfillng needs for the day. If you intend to to tread the path of refinement and improvement continuously in this life and in the lives thereafter ,then it is quite essential that you are care to continuously gain strength in the journey.whatever virtuous qualities and potentials you are collecting  at present, will  prove usefull prove very useful in future ; by acquring  them  journey  ahead will progress with greter speed  and ease.

Mistry; Unfolding the hidden secret s and riddles of life.

How can there be  any stoppage without achieving  the ultimat? Upon achieving  some ordinary  success , some  people might feel satishfied considering  that so much has been achieved, and think --- why be restless  for more,whatever achieved is more than a enough, etc.This  line of thought, if it leads to dullness or suppression of endeavor , is incompatible with the nature of the soul.It goes again the wishes of God  and it is contradiction to what  is laid out by nature. Man gets satishhfied after meals,his hunger goes extinguished, he will not be able to take one sweet ball more if told to; this indicates that the rules of nature  in this oppose further eating. But  there is no such stage for the quest  of the inner self to be happier and more successful. Whatever be ones course of life , nobody gets fully satishfied with the success made, every milestone  of progress triggers an  instinct  to achieve  higher, make more progress.

Experienced ; move and get moving.

Divine science of ultimate evolution of consciousness , again and again reminds and invokes the individual  self to arise , awake and proceed on the path of emprovement. Every atom of nature  is in movement to go ahead .watch the moon and stars all of them are in motion, continuing  their successive journeys.They have no respite even for a moment to rest.Rivers are flowing, wind is blowing, plans are growing,trees are producing new gruits even the element of the matter,which appear stationary, are moving  though not visible.

Motivation; Move Ahead Improve and Excel.

Even practicle in the world is motion,everything moves  ahead , develops and continues its journey .This meovement is the nature of creation.Induced by this nature every einanimate and live element of nature has to continue its journey.Man is also bound by this rule.He goes ahead with the development s in his life and birth till death.Even after this evolution continues.It is essential for every wise man and woman to know  the science of how to progress and complete his mandatory journey with grace and excellance.Just it is like the black smith know how to prepare sweets and for a farmer to know  farm work, so it is necessary for person undertaking a journey to have substaintial details associated with it,know its and know  the optimal path.planning ,preaparation and organization are essential before execution of every great task.Our life is moving ahead .It is essential to make preparation so that this journey moves adeptly in an organized way in the right direction.

Sitla kumbha yoga.

 Sit in a cross – legged posture  (prefably in padma asana) with the erect spinal cord at a clean, pollution free place having substantial supply  of  fresh air.Keep the upper layer of teeth on the lower one and let lips be spread open; now suck  the air though the mouth; it will blow betwin the teeth like a whistle.Close  the mouth and breath out  though both the nostrils after few seconds.This  exercise also renders cooling effect and is useful puryfying the blood.It  should be practiced thrice a day but for not more than ten minutes at a stretch.Even if  there is no visible health  problem or important  task ahead , one should  pay attention to the  swaras and maintain the natural harmony of vital  flows. It  brings extra benefits of maintal fitness and acumn.

Sitakari kumbhaka yoga.

This practice is very simple . it is beneficial  in purifying  blood : controlling excessive the heat within the body and curing deases of stomach ans colon.This  should be practiced in the morning ,evening or night; it can be practiced in any posture while sitting and or standing  but the spinal cord should be in its natural straight position. For this you spread the lips outward, folded  like the bill of a cock.Now breath in  close the mouth and take the the air insight via throgt  as though you are gulping it. Breath out through both the nostril after few seconds.Five to seven repetations of this at a time are sufficient every day. As you suck the air through mouth, take care that  this exerces is being practiced at a clean place and in fresh air.

Pranayma; Maintaining Vigour and vitality.

Sri sahoder saraswati has guided this pranayam for protection, preservation and augmentation of vigor. You can practice it by following  each step stated here. Sit in a asana in which the heel of your left leg should touch the portion betwin anus and the gential organ.The heel of the right leg should  touch the portion where the root  of the urinary tract is located. Inatially you may find it difficult to sit in this posture. you may use  a  tiny pillow near the tummy to get extra support.the posture is exact when the wrists of both legs meet each other. Pressure of the heels should be applied gently but constantly at rhe places they touch.
Now observe thorugh nostril are breathing ? close the other nostril (at which is the swara is off) by  pressing it by the thumb of coresspondng hand.Breath slowly with  the nostril  where the swara is your anus region by pulling it up during process. Keep it this away till the end of the process. After breathing in, close  both the nostril and stretch and contract the tummy  out word and inward,as if the inhealed air is being pumped in the abdomen and lower region.Do it till you can hold the breath.First stop the breathing of the tummy , then breath out slowly only though the nostril which was closed first.Now you may open the Mulbandha. This complete one pranayama.Do this three rounds of  pranayama in one sitting  every day.After about  a month or so the number may be increased to five.It is very useful in curing the problems of sexual deases/disorders that drain out one’s vital energy.

Panayama; Healthy Regulation of Swara (respiratios power) and vital Energy.

Pandit Bhojraj shukla has described this in his guidelines on pranayama.Sit  in asna (yoga postur) that comforts you with erect spinal cord. Remain straight don’t lean in any direction( left, right ,forward or back). Keep your chin on the chest and look at the tip of your nose.Block your right nostril by the thumb of right hand and fill your tummy by breathing in at slow and steady pace though the left nostril. Then close your left nostril by the ring finger and the fourth finger of the right hand.Do  a mental japa of om during this state  (called antah kumbhak ) of retrain breath. State in this for few seconds.Then breath out at the same pace through the right nostril; the left nostril will remain closed this time. After breathing out closed the right nostril again and don’t  breath for few moments. This state is called bahya kumbhak. The silent jup of om should continue through this practice. Now open both the nostril and take a normal deep breath.This completes one pranayma .Repeat this three times.
This pranayama repeated should also be repeated with reverse cycle of breathing ,e.i breathing  thorugh the right nostril the exhaling the left ……continue the daily practice with a gradual increase in the durations of kumbhaks and corresponding augmentation of your capacity to retain the breath in and out.for example initially you may do the jup of om for ten times then go up to twenty times after a fortnight, thirty times after a moth and also and so on till you can any difficulty.

Harmonizing The Swaras (yoga).

The experts  of swara -yoga  have guided several easy modes of benefiting of from the scriptursl knowledge. For example ---- If the Chandra swara   ( resp.surya – swara )  is active then knock the ground four times by the left leg before going out: touch your face by the palm of the hand of that side where swara is on and put that leg first.If you are meet to short  tempared person,then first use the leg , on the side opposite to that of the active swara.While talking to such a person sit in a position so that the left (right) side of you face is towars him if your surya- swara (Chandra –swara). This way the side of inactive swara will absorb the heat of his fury and calm it to a great extent.
As start earlier, the Chandra- swara is most  favorable for the tasks peace of mind,scrupulous and intellectual approach, etc.It is best to initiate to discussion with the guru, offer or other important persons when this swara is active. The surya- swara  is most suited for certain other kinds of activities described above. Many a times  we are to do something while the swara is running in the opposite direction.what should be done then? Should we miss the opportunity by waiting for the swara to change to the favorable state? Certainly  not this would be unwise on our process on our part to waste time and loose the chance.
1.            Block the nosril at which the breathing  (swara)is flow slowly at that state or time use hand to hold breath for a moment with support by a thumb, and  the other hand take a deep breath the nostril where the swara (breathing) is on.Then open the pressed nostril and exhale thourgh this while blocking the nostril that was used far inward respiration .Repeating  this cycle peating  cycle several times in succession would after the direction of the swara(  i.e. you will  start breathing though the nostril which was blocked earlier).
2.            Lie dow down on the side of the active swara.The direction of swara will shift  to the other nostrial after some time. Prectising the breathing  exercise described in (1) above along with this renders faster result.
3.            Press something hard beneath the armpit on the side of the/active side. Doing  so along  with (1)  and /or bove would make rapid chang in the swara – pattern.
4.            Eating  ghee is supposed to be favorable for the left(i.e ., Chandra) swara and eating honey for the right (i.e.,surya) swara.
5.            Keep a mouth clean cottonball in the nostril of the active swara to make it flow to the other nostril.
It indicates  some health problems if the naturall patterns are not in the order associated with normal mind body system.

Pranayama; machanism experienced in health.

Pranayama; machanism experienced in health.
In general, a pranayam is based on two crucial features (1) controlled breathing  to harmonized the system in a measured way and churning of the prana so inhaled and( 2) attracting the mahaprana by a sanklpa,determination  with strong and willpower and intrinsic urge. The attraction of  the mahaprarna  and its circulation inside the body together makes one complete cycle of prana yoga.Only one of the above activities would not serve the real purpose. Because ,deep breathing alone would remain just a good exercise of the lungs ,which can also be performed  by many exercises of the body , recommended by the physiologist, such as , jogging ,up and down streching , surya namaskar etc.  on the other hand, only the determined  attempts to attract the Mahaprana would be like a medition. This alone will not be so effective unless couple  with the controlled breathing  and churning  of  the M ahaprana in the body and in the inner self.

Swara yoga; And Flow of vital Energy.

In the terminology yoga, channels for consequent  flow of vital energy  within the body are called ,nadi,. These include the neural passages and the tracks flow and distribution of inhaled and exhaled breaths. The yoga scriptures the presence of 7200 such nadis. The word nadi should not confused with the same used in Hindi for veins in blood vessels.Its not just  the same like not any ,tubes of biochemical substance or any  kind stuff or orhter unrealeted things .During the exercise its reflected and touching its presence can observed or feeled in the body.Given others with provely experienced about the nadi syste described below can be easily experienced by concentrating over the breaths)
The roots of the several important nadis are bundled in a sape extransory nucleus beneath the navel. Ten principal nadis eminate from this center and spread across the body in different directions. These are reffered in the yoga scriptures as ------Idla, pingla,susumna, gandhari, Hastijivha, pusha,yashasvini, Aalmbusha,kulu, and shankhini.These played crucial role taking part spreading the enzymes and blood  to every part of the body  realated  to functioning  regarding in dealt for the  bioelectrical signals and endocrine secrections and interactive functions of  the mind body system. Ancient  Indian science of yoga and sadhanas discusses a great deal of these aspects with deeper spiritual analysis. The first three of these are of great importance in swara yoga.
4 CHAPTTER/////-----Hatha yoga
The Hatha yoga the Muladharchakra, kava equine) is regarded as the extransensory nucleus of the supernatural force of prana ( called kundalini). However in swara yoga the navi chakra ( solar plexus) in the navel is given more beneficial for the necessrally approved in mentaining  to activate and  keep aquaired  to have  balanced and good  functioning on  and vigor of the mind body system is concerned at this center and distributed to every cornor of the body.It also happens to be the main junction of the ineterconnected paths of the whole mechanism of the body essential requirement for the health. Wellknown concepts and tecqnique are being reaffirmed by the modern researchers of yoga and the science breathing.This  is why the yoga exercises of pranayam predominately include abdominaly navel along the exercises where lungs are to be filled to the maximum capacity.
An Amirican expert prof. BB Atkinson has emphasized this functioning in his book  about the actual breathing  respiration system which worked up to lungs serve only the partial purpose of pulmonary circulation and cleansing of the respectory units.The purified oxygen from the lungs reach the navel from where it could be supplied to the desired amounts to different parts of  the body.Regulation of healthy supply of oxygen and vital energy and necessary cleasing and activation of the whole body therefore requires deeper and consistent breathing from and up to the nevel. In advanced practices of pranayama, the yogic aim at harmonious functioning of  the ten principal nadis opening in the navi chakra.
The Ida Nadi( lunar current) is associated with breathing though the left nostril and the pingla (solar current) wih that through the right nostril. With theses functions of nostril activities flowed the energy constantaly  to the evreryof powers in the pituitary and pineal glands.These are describrd in the yoga scriptures as the solar (surya) and lunar (Chandra) currents of vital energy flowing respectively on the right and the left side of a nueral passage of subminal flow of prana hidden in the inner of the spinal column.    

Monday, May 12, 2014


wisdom that work
Yoga  has an obligatory  role being conduct  making a life prosporus
 INTRODUCTION –The deep science of swara yoga
Yoga refers to an idependent and complete  in itself branch of yoga.Its deals with the physiology, pshycology and spiritual aspects of the rhythemic note  of breathing and the associated  bioeletectrical currents (vital spiritual energy) The preeminent  science (swar vijnana) of this powerful yoga was derived by  the vedic sages, whose enlightened acumen had a reach into the deepest depths of perceivable and sublime components of nature and the diverse form of manifested in it.Because ease of the practicing it and the enormous benefits it provided, it used used to be a internal part the daily exercises of people in the ancient  Indian society. It  used to be an integral part of the daily exercises of people in the ancient Indian society. Its a popular application included------------- measuring  the healthy state of the mind –body system from within and regulating  the latter up to normal healthy  lavels , and guiding appropriate timings for initiation of impotant  tasks to ensure auspicious effects and success. Because of its use in forecasting,swara-vijanana is also a part of vedic Astrology.
Today people either confuse ,swar yoga, as some branch of music (because the Sanskrit and Hindi word “swar , means a music note) or those who know some yogic and heard some liitle about it as some kind of pranayam.As this also has a prediactive component similar to astrology, it is often discarded as superstitious or fake practice of exploiting  the innocents in the name of foretelling or calculating an auspicious timing etc. But we would definitely highlighted on this concept.
It should be noted that the the science of swar as swar-vijana, is a deep science of breathing , bioelectric signals and geo magnetism The apparently simple practice and application of swara – yoga  are derived from the rare knowledge of how the cosmetic magnetic forces and hence the position of the planets, thebiaological clock, certain metabolic and physiological functions and the material state affect the breathing  patterns. In the successive sections we highlight some of these aspects in manner, which is within the grasp of most readers.The principal focus  here is the use of swara yoga in diagnosis and control of the elements and desorders in mind body functions that have direct correspondence with eassialy detectable breathing patterns.

Some scriptural excerpts dad guidelines on applications pertaining  to foretelling or knowing the future possibilities of benefits and losses are also out lined in the later sactions. These indicate that swara yoga can help in taking the best decision in terms of one’s mind –body state in a given time.In no way it discourages or diverts ones creativity and assiduity. Moreover , the practices of this science could be verified by self—experiments without any constrains or risks and without the requirement of any external instrument or support.



Prosperity can offered flourishing,success and fortune to us. Prosperity often encompasses wealth but, it’s not only to concerned about to money besides it provides us other things which give more than enough about concerning to a peace mentally as well physically benefittingand health. Prosperity means to get wealth as well aspleasure also. It has certainty in getting wealth and other needs of life.. Being prosperous  with  every to each others soothing every concerting acknowledging recognized to new beginnings are some impotant values.
On behalf of the prosperity you feel the thing you really have.
WORKED OUT to gain prosperity that i takes to change your life! Learn more about the metaphysics of prosperity and how to keep a in gratitude generally which give us encouragement to be prosperous, visualizing about the things which make prosperoust the vision about things and the  journey to chakra tuning, that work on both our emotional and physical levels as well asand with using crystals  which make us more aware of our prosperity.

Achieving Prosperity

1. prosperity is all about is a state of mind. The view about life is most important facts about the thinglooking into this concept.  All need  isto seed it to grow for your life. A seed grow when it become a furtile plant to serve. When it is abused, forgotten, neglected and not nourished it will never grow to its full potential. First of all the seeding and  planted in the mind and must have nourish it positively with aggressive action and to follow it accordingly.
2. Thought is followed by energy that creat a realityalso. We attracted to our lives (money, relationships, employment) that we focus on. We should focushing it to take it less. The less we take it the more in peace and in comforted us for this Program your thoughts to be positive and this energy will follow through.
3. Don’t be a ambitious for this and always hold yourself to getting over everythings If you do not realize that not all things are in your control you will be wasting boundless energy worrying about those things you have no control over. You can only do what you can do. As it is said that we must have balanced about the things better in commanded upon to. So this is what we have in control asWe are passengerser in the bus. Have a nice ride!
4. If you are already resisting we should reconsider about  to everyone who are around you and must trust to each other and should confident yourself regarding  the task around you This includes the Universe!  Resistance is must which does slow the things.Free flow is up to you in your  life basically It is up to you to find thefree flow in your life. We can get great gain insight, If we can surround ourselves. Learn reality we  we release great stress and l that vulnerability can be both enlightening and educating too.For time being its time to stuck and get refreshed.
5. Always catious to what you have now. Demanding or  Just wanting  for everything  isn't enough,we always looking to continue that we don’t have  because we still continue to think about wanting thing a lot and beyond our power.  We have offered in this world a lot and with great gift.  Realizing what these are, can be found by appreciating what you have right now! Be attentive and pay attention.
6.  Abudence for your life should be appreciated. We only have to realize  just how much prosperity we do have. we should not  be a greedy one  which is worse than seeing someone who is ungrateful! Of course, it is human nature to want more,  its not because at the expense of your own happiness. Some people are cared up to much in wanting more, so the they loss and experiencing the current abundance they have now . Only when this is gone, do they realize what they had...when it is often too late.
7. Getting proacticulars it is imporment to do the jobs as our jobs are our source of financial support, it is important to do with our interest to. But It is even more important to absolutely doing it with love what you do. So then your job get perfect,if you do not do with love and scinecerally you will never give the job the best  of you . You must do what you love in your life, as we spend the most of our  time indulging and have to work lovingly and scincerally.
 8. Balanced worked is always a worthfull it is as like play, family, friends and self are very important in achieving prosperity.So the all family have the each equal they way we subconsciously honor a getting a pleasure in life .If we not pay attention then we will lose our balance atonce.  we begin to the effect of resentment, jealously and anger. Always Look at each one of these aspects. Are they really a balanced or If not which one is making other confused and anger too and only favour dealing can confided  you a better outlook.
9. Opened up the prosperity if you stuck and nothing else seems towords getting done which is simply work a unlimited and confort to others without expectation.The higher the expectation the harder it is to deal with the things that do not go your way! Having no expectations is one of the greatest lessons we should aware about opening to everything to this context that is new to you and giving it a chance, then you can find your life going in the right direction of new adventures and endless possibilities!
10. Our priorities of life should be unique  and only for yourself.which is a key things worked for a peace and prosperity,therefore, you must have to align with believe system which shares believing,shring and emotionally active towards greater prosperity. 

"Prosperity is not just a kind of things. It is the consciousness which attracts everything.  Ideology of Prosperity is to be a way of living and thinking, and not concerning the money or assets.Actually we meant to work harder with belifs and confided for the task for that every action should be done positively all is depends in your activity not to be  lake of fortunates one.

The Metaphysics of Prosperity

jai  mama  SARSATI OM  MA.
"Traditionally, metaphysics offered to the branch of philosophy that followed to understanding the fundamental nature of all reality that it is visible or not seen. Reasearching in based with all its originity for  natural and humanly with simple, so all belong with it  applies to everything, whether  it be a divine or human or anything else. It attempts to tell one and equal. The term metaphysics originally referred to the Aristotle that came after his writings on physics, in the arrangement too.
The Metaphysics of Prosperity is  emotional richness Our belief system has much to do with prosperity at its nature. We each carry our own emotional, psychological and symbolic ideally to come to prosperity. Belief is  most powerful assets or one of our most incoherent enemy.  Confided about the belief in good realated things   about our prosperous nature, we can accomplish nearly anything! The more we believe in ourselves, the more we become confident about it. Believing in our prosperity most of our every decision we make and so much of our personalities are to be formed .
Abundance comes to those who dream for it. It's just as simple as that. When we face situations that are near physical or mentally impossible. So it is our belief and confident that determines its possiblity. Our belief system is one of the major factors that can get us through situations or can cause our life to get around us! Is depended How we "program" ourselves to see what our mximum outcome is justdepended how we are capable of resources we have.based on ability and self-love are often the key to opening and strengthening this portion of our thoughts which in turn emanates from ourselves, which in turn allows abundance to found it  us! 
  By appreaciation insightly we got into what we should be very thankful  for it. To be prosperous we should be truly appreaciated. Actually the key is in our hands because we are owner of our destiny.really appreciating what we do have as opposed to what we would like to have that make a tranceparently differences.But wealthy person always avoided this kind of important element.

Having compliments is the first steps knowing about your prosperity! Anyone offered you a compliment is the acknowledging one of your prosperous gifts.for that  you should thankful  and say, thank you. Later on you may enjoy it privetly as you may not have even realized how it exciting you.

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

a healthy and prosperous life.

·         A healthy,prosperous  life.

I am most pleased and take pride in presenting this tittle regarding on the context as how could be a mens  life healthy,prosperous and enlighted one.It’s just like a precious stone needs agold or silver setting around it.To hold it healththy prosperous and knowledge (enlightment) are the setting that will hold your life in the succeeding and accomplishment too.
Since in the mankind history there has been lot’s of researchs done towards making mens Life  a happy and prosperous as well in enlighted too. But even menslife is full of sorrow  and messaries due to lack of having knowledge besides basically,not realized a healthy prospects and knowledge are also a tools that worked the bridge in betwin to making life happier and prosperous. TO sustain the peace and enlightment and to come over the sorrow and griefe is also the obligatory things  which we could not left overlooked regarding overall context.
So  we need to follow the basically about the system step by step occording to our life stage( age and factor) from  childhood to young and then at the age of old. SO there are verity of skilfuls experiences like  exercises,yoga including meditation is recommended for happy prosperous and enlighting life. 
Happiness and contentment is our nature but it gets clouded by worries for a short while, similar to how clouds hide the sky. Just as you feel fresh after a good sleep, spending a short while in mediation will bring energy and enthusiasm to your life. Worries will disappear
it is extremely important for an unfit person to meditate so that he becomes skilful. A skilled person also needs to meditate in order to maintain his skills. The abilities within us must not diminish. That is why a skilled person must also meditate every day.Do you know by spending just a little time preparing for your meditation, you can actually have a deeper experience in meditation.Just as nutritious food and exercise is necessary for the body, meditation is necessary for the soul. What is necessary for the intellect is listening and reading. What is necessary for the mind is singing and feeling. Feeling is strengthened through singing. Listening to music and singing purifies the 
feelings. Knowledge purifies the mind. In the same way meditation purifies the soul. There is a code of conduct for enlightenment; do you know what that is? Be simple; Normal. Don’t think you are somebody special.
Develop a deep sense of appreciation during your day routine in life.Always focus on the bright side positively in every simple things and be sound positive making yourself laughing regularly. TIPS FOR A HEALTHY AND PROSPEOUS LIFE.
1-       The following is a solution of the best tips for a healthy and prosperous. Stress is the main factor why the people do not have proper peace and prosperous life.So find out how to prepare yourself regarding to mentain stress in your body indoorly and outdoorly curriculum activities in daily life.
2-       Learn to know  yourself to present  into your family and to others in outside world.
3-       Wake up early in the morning and do some suitable exercises likwise (yoga,gym games) soothing to your health.
4-        Have rest and do contuning exercise for a good health just to add your personality.
5-       Use taking a lots of water during and after exercises and  in meal times.
6-       Use taking a freshly made fruit and vegetable juices sutable to your health.
7-       Take a little but balanced food 4 or 5 time in a day.
8-       Mentain yours daily time table routine work.
9-       Eat the freshest most wholesome fruits and light food for a good apetite.
10-    Join some good hoby instrument,music or drama ,act  that keeps you fit.
11-    Always maintained a desplined mannered behaviour that is most valuble in making your every task completed and added to honour your personality too.
12-    Fix your aim and goal and be positive towards it until you finished well up.
13-    In your way having good conduct secured you on the top in achiving prosperous and aim too.
14-    Always maintain quotes to get memorized and hang  it on the wall for yourself helps you aware about the things best of you.
15-    These unique Quotes worked a lot during exercises if you could prompt it  betwin the exercises for time to time which make  you a stonger and healthy as its worked as a hypnotizing ones .Most of the  worldclass pshycrytistist have applied hypnotizing it is to be cured the patient. I also have used this unique ouotes during my exercises and  had recovered cronic deases.Recall it everyday in mid of exerces loudaly  repeating it that’’ EVERY DAY AND IN EVERY WAY I  AM GETTING BETTER  AND BETTER. So  its  performed in betterment of  health.