Lack of wisdom misleads people to elect high ambitons for a counterproductive objective which instead of success brings about only discredit.
Serious contemplations on such aspects,
have made philosophers arrive at the conclusions that high ambitions for minor
mundane things do not bring one lasting credit. They regard them as childish
fantacies and advise the thinkers who are interested in meaningful life, to
avoid entering this labyinth of menial dessires. There is no wisdom in losing
one’s energy in return for false sense
of prestige. The process of each human endeavour follows a definite course. It begins
with an ambition. Each new ambition gives rise to energy and motivation for a
continuous effort for its fulfilment. Although an ambition in itself means beginning
of ultimate success. It must also be kept in mind that the ambition must not
relate to small achievements and such goals are chosen which could also provide an everlasting social
recognition as well as- selfsatishfaction. Lack of wisdom misleads people to
elect high ambitons for a counterproductive objective which instead of success brings about only discredit.
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