From time to time one comes
acrross unfavourable circomstances and frequently meets persons whoes behaviour
does not conform to one’s temperament. Nevertheless it should not distub one’s
equanimity. One must maintain a positive attitude and look for a silver lining
in each cloud. Instead of crying over the spilit milk one should think of ways
and means to make amends the loss. One must patiently wait for appropriate
opportunities to sink the differences, befriend the alienated and regain the
lost trust. It does not mean succumbing to injustice and encouraging
undesirable elements by adopting a policy of appeasement. Rather cultivation of
such an attitude of mind becomes necessary to restrain one’s thinking from
becoming defeastist, antagonistic and aggressive. A policy influenced by
jealousy, revenge and counteraction may appear indicative of strength, but it
ultimately gives rise to a series of counteractive intrigues, which involve not
only a loss of energy but ultimately produce such results, which may appear as
an adventage over the adversary, but are antithesis to what was intented. An
efficient manager learns to organise one’s own personal affairs and utilizes
the experience so gained for management of other persons and their assignments.
This is in fact is the acid of organisational skill, which every aspirant has
to undergo.
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