A good man must not have traits
of strong likes and deslikes. It is pragmatic to follow the middle course.
Whenever one deviates from this moderation of civililty, and adopts extreme
attitudes, one becomes exposed to undesirable pressures. By avoiding this
weakness one can easialy escape many embrassing situations. Greatness lies in
cultivating a habbit of keeping one’s own self
as well as others free of tensions. It is not in the least desirable to
become disturbed or agitated even in momments of least provocation or
unfavourvable circumstances. Nor is it good to boast in the event of
achivements, however significant
may be.
Only on developing such a poise
does one succeed in finding means for counteracting advertises and making
circumstances favourable with renewed
vigour. An excited person losses sense of reasoning and aggravates the
misery by irresponsible behaviour and actions.
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