Soft words win over even opponents, whereas harshness of speech and raw behaviour of uncivilized persons though not harming physically, antagonises all coming in contect.
Those having an high ambition to
achieve success in establising orderliness in a small or large family, should
make a beginning by doing so far their own self. The formost virtue to be
imbibed for this purpose is softness of speech. Soft words win over even
opponents, whereas harshness of speech and raw behaviour of uncivilized persons
though not harming physically, antagonises all coming in contect. The latter
have few friends and many enemies and generally people avoid meeting such
perons. Softness of speech does neither mean flattery nor statement of
falsehood. One need not give false assurance of assistance. Such a practice
pleases all but ultimately brings to the person branding one as liar who never
means what is being said. Hence sweetness of speech must also be associated
with frankness and truth. With a little tact and humility one can pleasently
express one’s helplessness and make the other person understand without causing
any annoyness, that the situation is beyond former’s control. This is how the
culture of verbal interaction is developed.
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