one tends to forget this
world is full of great men each excelling the other in status. Even with the
best of effort, one would find one’s own achievement insignificant in comparison
to these men. Besides, one’s enthusiasm is sustained only up to the moment the
desired thing and status is achieved. The euphoria of achievement is also momentary.
Thereafter one finds difficult even to retain the burden of additional
responsibility for retaining the aquired status. Prior to marriage, one makes
castle in the air about the virtues of the would be spous, but not sooner the
heavy responsibilty of looking after the family falls on the shoulders, one
realizes that the conveniences of married life are far lasser than its complexities. In the rat race of supermacy, the leaders find it difficult to
maintain their lead. Their success invites jealus schemers, who try to deprive
the former of their advantages by hook and cook. The happiness so achieved and fame are also short- lived. In this world
who has time to remember other’s achievements, when it is not possible to
retain the memory of even one’s own past?
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