Saturday, May 17, 2014

Mistry; Unfolding the hidden secret s and riddles of life.

How can there be  any stoppage without achieving  the ultimat? Upon achieving  some ordinary  success , some  people might feel satishfied considering  that so much has been achieved, and think --- why be restless  for more,whatever achieved is more than a enough, etc.This  line of thought, if it leads to dullness or suppression of endeavor , is incompatible with the nature of the soul.It goes again the wishes of God  and it is contradiction to what  is laid out by nature. Man gets satishhfied after meals,his hunger goes extinguished, he will not be able to take one sweet ball more if told to; this indicates that the rules of nature  in this oppose further eating. But  there is no such stage for the quest  of the inner self to be happier and more successful. Whatever be ones course of life , nobody gets fully satishfied with the success made, every milestone  of progress triggers an  instinct  to achieve  higher, make more progress.

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