you must go, bow down so get the bit. Once you have’ve got gotten that we tend to offer our feeling to our mothers on day and our fathers on fathers’ Day.

Only a candle that is lit
and shining can give a little light to the other candles. If you simply sit
there as an unlit candle and listen to hours and hours talk about light, you
won't get lit. You have to come, touch the lamp, and get a spark before you get
lit. That is the duty of a disciple. After having seen a lit candle, you should
go, bow down and then get the touch. Once you have gotten that, you work on yourself, make your life brighter. Of course,
since you remember that you got the light from another lamp, you are grateful
to that light. This is why we dedicate a special day each year in honor of all
the great masters, sages and saints. They were flaming torches. We touch them
in some form or other and get a little spark. We humble ourselves in front of
those great sages and saints and express our gratitude, and by doing that we
are able to receive more. We give our gratitude to our mothers on Mother's Day
and our fathers on Father's Day. In the same way we give our gratitude to the
spiritual teacher, or the guru, who ultimately helps us to realize the final
goal: the Truth, or God, or the inner Light.
So Guru Poornima Day, or All Prophets
Day, is not just a mere celebration. It is an observance. You observe the day,
and you receive the benefit. May the blessings of all the great sages and
saints and masters be upon you all to make your life more shining, more peaceful,
more healthy and more happy. May you in turn share those blessings with all
other beings so that one day we can see a beautiful blessed heaven on this
earth. You observe the day and you receive
the benefit only a candle that’s
lit and shinnig can provides a very little light- weight to the opposite
candles. If you merly sit there as Associate in Nursing unlit candle and hear
hours and hours of pont out light—weight, you will not get lit. you’ve got to
return, bit the lamp, and obtain a spark before you get lit that’s the duty of follower once having seen
a lit candle, you must go, bow down so get the bit. Once you have’ve got gotten
that, you’re employed on yourself, build your life brighter. Of course, since you
keep in mind that you just got the sunshine from another lamp, you’re grateful
to it light-weight this can be why we tend to dedicate a big day annually in
hour of all the good masters, sages and saints. They were flaming torches we
tend to bit them in some kind or different and obtain somewhat spark we tend to
humble ourselves ahead of these nice sages and saints and specific our feeling,
and by doing that we tend to square measure ready to receive additional we tend
to offer our feeling to our mothers on day and our fathers on fathers’ Day within
the same we tend to offer our feeling to the religious teacher, or the guru,
World Health Organization ultimately helps US to appreciate the ultimate goal
the reality, or God, or the etics. So Guru Poornima Day, or All Prophets Day,
isn’t simply a mere celebration it’s Associate in Nursing observance. You
observe the day, and you receive the profit could the blessings of all the good
sages and saints and master be upon you all to create your life additional
peaceful, additional healthy and an advantage could you successively share
those blessings with all different beings in order that sooner or later we will
see an exquisite .bessed heaven on this earth
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