Good health is one natural state gifted by nature. Leaving aside some exceptions, this gift is ordinarily available to all beings. Observe the animals and birds in the jungle--- is even one of them seen ill? Groups of deer, hoards of cattle in forest jump and move like balls. Pigs elephants, horses, bisons,bears, trigers, etc--- all these animals enjoy complete health, how nicely do pigeons, peacocks, ducks, parrots, crows, starlings, nightingales, partridges and hawks gambol! How nicely do crocodiles, tortoises and frogs frolic in water! Never do any of them suffer from headache, cold, fever, arthritis or jaundice. Till they are alive, the wild animals enjoy full health. When their time in the world is over they leave their bodies easialy. They do not need doctors. Poor creatures! They do not consume bottle of medicines, they are not fortunate enough to listen to any health sermons, visits to health resorts and sanotoria is not in their fate; but still they are always healthy. Those unfortunate domenistic animals and birds on the contrary, often lose their health as a result of the activities of their owners. Even then, in many ways they are comparatively better off health—wise than their owners; they rarely fall sick and if they do, the illness is very little and not prolonged in most cases.
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