When a child comes home after winning a game, or gaining
success in an examination or winning a competition, his parents pleasure is
expressed on their faces---- they lift their child and embrace him with pride.
Another child, who is weak and wiless away his time at home will not be Loved so
much, even if
he serves and catered his
parents whole day. Instead of getting catered to, the parents would like that
his child should make progress in his own life, move ahead and win laurels. God
also expects
the same from mankind; The
almighty is very pleased to see you chivarlious, endeavoring, courageous,
progressive, victorious, great, prosperous, learned and virtuous, and
He bestows his beatitude without exceptions
and without your’s prayers. He does not care whether you put a vermilion sign
on forhead or not, worship him or not. Offer him eatables, and respect Him or
not, as none of
the task of
. God get held up without all
these. He does not get pleased with any of these but His pleasure is apparent
when He finds His sons
rising up, making
progress as he watches the succes of His creation.
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