Saturday, December 6, 2014

If by adhering to the desciplines of health, one takes proper care of habbits of food and behavior, there is no reason why like other living beings man too cannot retain perfect health

Each human body has been equipped by the creator with a huge reserve of biological ingredients to make man live a long healthy life. The white blood corpuscles have enormous capacity to resist intrusion by germs and virus and are more or less undefeatable. The chemicals present in the stomach are of such a high quality, that  they are able to extract some nutrients from almost all organic matter. Then why does one fall sick? Why does one face untimely death? There is little doubt that with a few exceptions the root cause  lies mainly in disobedience of laws of nature. If by adhering to the desciplines of health, one takes proper care of habbits of food and behavior, there is no reason why like other living beings man too cannot retain perfect health and unless confronted with accident, live a long life. Amongst the living beings, it is only this homo sapien who makes body weak by irregular habits and therby voluntarily extends  an invitation to infirmity.

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