Human life itself is an apparent deity. Those who attempt sadhana of life are assured of superhuman achievements in material world ( sidhi ) and paranormal capability with control over the elements of nature and events ( ridhis ).
life itself is an apparent deity. Those who attempt sadhana of life are assured
of superhuman achievements in material worild ( sidhi ) and paranormal
capability with control over the elements of nature and events ( ridhis ). On the
otherhand the misguide, who keep prostrating, flattering and entreating their
imaginary deities are ultimately found disgusted, expressing their
disillusionment in despair. The wise are advised to choose reality, however,
harsh or onpleasant it may appear. That which is easily obtainable, generally
brings in disappointment and nothing else. Pessimism and athelism are one and
the same thing. Those who aspire for greater achievements without much effort
may initially appear to be believders, but are finally found changed into as
atheist. This is because the lawsrea of nature are not subject to change to
suit the whims of some impatient greedy person. Had it been possible to make
great achievements with the help of ‘short cuts’ of religious rituals without
developing talents and paying the price of hard work, none in this world would
dared to follow the difficult path of character development and imbibitions of
high ideals. Therefore it should always be remembered that life is the deity. The
earlier and more comprehensively this reality is understood the better it would
be better for the life, the sooner one develops the faith in this eternal truth
and begins to imbibe it in his life the fortunate he would be considered.
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