Corrupt thoughts are overcome by confronting them with noble thoughts and in practice, bad habits are to be replaced with new good habits
thoughts are overcome by confronting them with noble thoughts and in practice,
bad habits are to be replaced with new good habits. In this process a type of
internal struggle begins . This transformation is not possible casually by
simply wishing. It requires strong will and power of determination. For
inoculation against a disease, vaccine is produced from the virus of the same
disease. To remove a thron a sharp implement is needed. A physical assult is
resisted with a strong physical force. To defeat an army, another army is
required. For destroying a strong tank, anti- tank misile is used. In a
struggle of any kind commensurate force is required. Similarly, the trendency
of corrupt thinking can be counteracted by application of equally strong current
of rightneous, noble thoughts. In order to extricate oneself from the sphere of
influence of wickedness, an endeavour is to be made to enter an environment of
virus conducive to moral upliftment. It is possible only by taking recource to
study of spiritual litreture ( swadhyay ) and by seeking compny and guidance of
the spiritually wise ( satsang )
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