with self—counsel or self appraisel.
What should be the attributes of a noble, refined and
cultured citizen? Which virtues are required to be associated in the qualities,
actions and nature of this individual? to begin with, let us comnceptualise a
frame work of such an ideal person. It is difficult to fix the norms for the
level of human dignity and its status.
The qualities expected in an idealman are: a systematic daily routine,
briskness in work, intellectual competence, profieciency in social interaction,
far sighted wisdom in contemplation, strict adherence to self – discipline,
dependence on self and self respect. He should should be generous in character
and humble in personality radiating happiness all round. Simplicity and
nobility are inter related. To be known as cultured person one is required to
systematically co—ordinate the inherent talents and the available resources for a
useful purpose. A truly civilized man is fully aware of his duties and
responsibilities and consideres it obligatory to fulfill them.
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