various administrative designations the status of a governor is considered most
dignified. The word “ governor’’ is more or less a synonyam of “manager’’. The
degree of success of an individual and
consequent lame is directly propotional to the proficiency of governance or
management the person commands. In absence of appropriate management the person
with ample resources have been found suffering from loss and failurs. It is
this special attribute, by virtue of which leaders look after their own
personal affairs and simutaneously plan and put in to action those schemes
which provide them leadership in specific fields. The strategy of politicians
during elections too is based on managerial expertise of political alignments
and dissociations.
In all fields of human endeavour, be it that of a farmar or
an artist, whosoever achieves greater success, gets higher credits or rises in
status, does so only on account of one’s developed sense of managerial
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