Indolence, lethargy is man’s greatest enmy. It makes a living body equivalent to a dead one. How is it possible for the body to run by itself and do useful work, when the owner refuse to be active, courageous and industrious? People find it difficult to look at one’s own shortcomings, nor do they make any attempt to improve on them.

lethargy is man’s greatest enmy. It makes a living body equivalent to a dead
one. How is it possible for the body to run by itself and do useful work, when
the owner refuse to be active, courageous and industrious? People find it
difficult to look at one’s own shortcomings, nor do they make any attempt to
improve on them. As a consequence, through they somehow drag on a monotonous
existence, in absence of habit of perpetual industriousness, hardly any
achivement is made which could be called crediable. When after overpowering
body, indolence also engulfes mind the happens, one becomes( pramad) begins.
When it happens, one becomes indifferent to the consequences of regression any
hardly ever feels an urge for improvement. Because of this interia the outlook
of the person becomes narrow, giving rise to a state in which neither there
emerges an urge to learn new things nor for formulatiing plans for a more firm
and prosperous future. When people with such an outlook becomes aware of their
lowly depprived status, they try to ascribe it to some etraneous reasons and
find consolation in such abstract concepts as destiny, consequences of
irregular in religionus rituals, will of God, adversity of circumstances and
unfavourable planetary configurations. Others find scapegoats in irregularities
of administrative system, society, environment, the prevailing environment of
extreme decadence of values( kaliyug) or some particular individuals, and
considering them responsible for the maladies developo an antipathy for them.
The lazy and indolent person somehow continue to pass uneventful day in this
state of misery and undesirable concept in mind.
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