words which are spoken with civility and humility are always full of politeness and pleasantly. They have enough power to pacify tempers. Soft spoken persons have often been found bringing toether enemies and beginning a new chapter of goodwill. Dicarding some bad habit and converting it into a good one requires only a few days. Carefully chosen words spoken calmly and humbly, keeping the dignity of other person in view can be seen producing instant favoural, pleasant reactions. The art of speaking with civility, humility and pleasantary needs only few days practice. Bad speech should not be considered less dangerous than the fangs of a snake or sting of scorpion. It such a habit has become imbibed in behaviour even in a small degree, strong measures should immediately be taken foir it reformation of a coaking crow into a sweet singing nightingale. Lake of self- restraint is another name for disorderliness of body and mind. It may also be seen as a nature resistance to discipline and a trendecy towards recklessness. Such traits make a person personality and socially irresponsible and create far-reaching diastrous consequences. Absense of moderation may also be viewed as a habit of dispensing available useful resources for meaningless, unproductive or counter productive schemes. With it a person behave like a fool who exposing the security of riches, tempts dacoit to loot. There are four types of lack of self- restraints (asamyams)
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