Monday, May 8, 2017

One is advised to minimum of half an hour for this propose either while leaving the bed in the morning or going to Both of these activities have been considered as inseparable constituents of sadhana of the inner—self ( Atm—sadhana )

The above four disciplines have again been grouped together in a couple of twin activities viz. manan, and chintan. Manan, encompasses self—appraisal and eradication of undesirable traits. Chintan includes self-reformation or self advancement. Both of these activities have been considered as inseparable constituents of sadhana of the inner—self ( Atm—sadhana ). One is advised to minimum of half an hour for this propose either while leaving the bed in the morning or going to the bed in the relaxed and peaceful in a quite place. Manan should be taken up as the first step followed by chintan. A tailar first cuts the cloth and later takes up stiching. In a surgical operation, incision is done before bandaging and application of medicine. For construction, foundation is excavated first before building and structure. Both these activities are inter—related and are taken up more or less simultaneously with a small time—tag. Nevertheless, manan has a prioritory over chintan. For this porpose, manan however, there are no pre-requisites of preparations for body and mind as necessary for other religious rituals. Nor any implements are required. Peace of mind and silence in the environment suffice. If mornings or evenings are not  in spare, any period during the day may be chosen according to one’s convenience. The –duration of half an hour too is not absolutely necessary. This is only a working norm and may be extended or reducecd as required. Nevertheless, maintenance of a fixed interval of time is recommended. It is a well established hypothesis that a work –plan based on a well designed time—structure and regularity produces much better results than haphazard and unsytestematic efforts.

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