Wednesday, January 11, 2017

HONESTY is the EXPENSIVE GIFT do not expect it from cheap people. FARMER is on sadhana to produce crop till his death.

The farmer is well aware of the significance of meditation “ sadhana “ while tending to the crop he remains thoroughly involved in his field, toiling and sweating day afterday throughout the year. In the process, he is the least concerned about the inclemency of the weather, his personal comforts and health. He caresses each and every plant and without depending on any external guidance, at his own pace takes advance decisions from application of fertilizers, irrigation, tilling, weeding, harrowing, to production of the crop before harvesting. His own volition and inspiration produce automatic reactions in him to the needs of the crop, requirements of the ancilliary equipments and animals tending to them and related implements of farming. These are automatically and effortlessly translated in to actions. In the entire process, the industrious farmer remains oblivious to exhaustion, boredom and haste to achieve results. He does not insist on immediate results for his labour. Since he is aware that the crop take its own time to mature and has to wait patiently till then, he remains free from the anxiety of filling his godowns with the produce. He also finds it unnecessary to anticipate any fixed quantity of grains out of the field, since it is dependent on so many factors. In this manner he is continuously involved in his sadhana of farming. From time to time he does come across problems but these are surmounted by him with his own expertise and resources. The crop is never neglected. He is unable to rest without making arrangements to fulfill the needs of the crop. Later, when crop matures and the grains ripen, he takes the produce home with gratitude to the creator. Since he had not been expected any fixed quantity of grains, he does not feel dissatishfied with the final out come. Whatever is achieved is considered the will and gift of the God. This is the sadhana of a farmer, which he continues to perform from his adolescence to death with unwaivering faith. In this sadhana he neither  takes risks nor feels tired. Nor does he feel bored of indifferent. In this way a farmer presents an ideal example for aspirants to sadhana

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