only those persons are considered indispensible, who having a wider perspective take care of all aspects of relevant system, establish the framework and coordinate the activities.

An administrative systems in this world, the manager holds the most elevated position.
Everyone somehow looks after one’s own affairs but only those persons are
considered indispensible, who having a
wider perspective take care of all aspects of relevant system, establish the
framework and coordinate the activities. In establishment the general Manager
commands highest authority. During the British rule in India, the topmost
addministetrative officer was known as
Governal general. The word governor means “vyavasthapak” ( the one who
cocordinates the activities of the system). VYAVASTHAPAK is the peorson who
knows how to coordinate one’s personal activities as well as the activities of
the system undercontrol. The status of
such a person is highly dignified and utility unquestionable. The
success of industries, business houses, community development and public
schemes depends only on such individuals.
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