Man has almost forgotten the ways and means which provided one acess to that dark unknown chamber of the inner-self, where one activate one’s dormant chetana (bio-energy) an d make it strong
civilization does not face any scarcity of institutions for military training,
education, health clinics and school teaching arts antd crafts. But unfornutately,
in none of these institutions there exists an arrangement for bringing out and
refining total talents of an individual. There is only one laccuna in
achieving this objective. The
determinative force is finding it difficult to come out of the inner-self of
man and find expression in construtive activities. Man has almost forgotten the
ways and means which provided one acess to that dark unknown chamber of the
inner-self, where one activate one’s dormant chetana (bio-energy) an d make it
strong. This is the biggest bane of modern civilization. Mankind would continue
to have large developments many fields but without overcoming the above
abstacle. It will never be able to produce such extraordinary talented persons.
Who would exhibit exceptional brilliance and courage by resisting injustice and
irregularies in the society and appreciating its great needs contribute their might for
estabilising a new world order. The process of locating such super persons- such organised,
responsible and talented persons is soon going to be completed.

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