In strict sense, adoption of spirituality (adhyatma) consists of maximum endeavour in these two directions. “Ridhi- Sidhi” are nothing but consequences of progress made in course of these endeavours, which is quite contrary to the common belief that they are divine gifts showered from heaven.
The scout
movement of Baden Powell was unique achievement of that time. It was only the
dominant will of some ascetics which could eradicate deep- rooted evils ranging
from slavery to the ruthless oppressions of feudal landlords of bygone days.
Who would have thought it possible a few years earlier? those who are not adverse to the concept of
spirituality being the basis of the
influence and greatness of ancient
India, should also keep in mind that the structure of spirituality in this
country was erected on two pillars. One was “tap” which involved spiritual
discipline and exercise for development of a high level of courage to promote
ideals in a regressive environment and acquisition of talent to do so. The
other comprised development of a perceptive supportive of an expertise, which
could be consider as an efficiency capable
of establishing a well organised
system. In strict sense, adoption of spirituality (adhyatma) consists of
maximum endeavour in these two directions. “Ridhi- Sidhi” are nothing but consequences of progress made in course of these
endeavours, which is quite contrary to the common belief that they are divine
gifts showered from heaven.

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