The science of ‘chetana’ (Bio-energy) is an
ancient science developed in india which has also been known by various other names like ‘ yog shadhna’ ‘
tapascharya’ etc. Indian scriptures (purans) are full of legends of people who had acquired

ra-normal capabilities by carrying out research in this branch of science. After
all what is the mystery behind the miracles of yog- exercises ? Those having
studied and practiced yog meticulously are well aware that what appears to be a
resault of perseverant endeavours of specified ritual associated with exercises
of strict self- disciplines (titikcha) is in fact a process of development of
power of will and kindling of the spark of bio- enegy lying dormant with the
being. Therein lies the fountainedhead of divine powers. Just as fruits and flowers
do not drop down from the sky and then get stuck to trees, the divine powers too
are also not showered by the Gods from heave above us like nutrient fluids
drawn by the roots from earth. Which strengthen to stem, provide a widespread
canopy of leaves,flowers and fruits and provide the tree enough strength to
brace strong winds; the powers of a sidha purush ( a person with supernormal
capabilities ) are drawn from within one’s own innerself and take one to the
pinnacles of success of the desired peak. These superpersons show others the
way to success by providing direct examples by their deeds. Motivated by them,
at times even the least active and indifferent persons begin to produce
miraculous results.
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