THE ENORMOUS POWER OF WILL AND ITS EFFICACY; Chandgi Ram of India who was awarded with the title ‘Hind Kesari’ by Government of India, was a patient of tuberclosis. For fear of contagion people avoided contact with him. But when he gathered courage to transmute his will and changed his habits drastically, Goddess nature became pleased with him and transformed into a wrestler of India fame
Chandgi Ram
of India who was awarded with the title ‘Hind Kesari’ by Government of India,
was a patient of tuberclosis. For fear of contagion people avoided contact with
him. But when he gathered courage to transmute his will and changed his habits
drastically, Goddess nature became pleased with him and transformed into a
wrestler of India fame. Ancient legends have peculiarties of their own. Chyavan
Rishi who was somehow couting his days
building mounds of mud was so much transformed by attenting a change in his
outlook and direction of effort, that the famous vidya Ashvini kumar was forced
to take cognizance of him and made him regain his youth. Then he whoes death
was being anxiously awaited by fox and jackals, was waited upon by a princess
of unusal beauty like sukanya. Then there is that famous story of rejuvenation
of yayati. And who does not know about Hanuman, who was ever from his childhood
famous as pavan putra pran punja (an iterior of the power of wind and a
concentrated charge of bio-energy)? Even as a he had so much density in his
body, that when he fell, an enermous block of rock was pulverised by the
impact. Parvati, who had been reduced to a skeletan because of prolonged
practice of ascertism had in no time regained her youth and uparalleted beauty
after marrying shiva. It was Arjun who could pierce an aquifer by his arrow in
the barren battle field of kurukchetra to acquire potable water for his dying
Guru Bhishma pitamah.
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