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Your aim
should be ‘sensitivity and consideration for others”. Because, altruism is the
most decent, effective and justified means to gain true benefits for the self.
Nothing else is more beneficial to oneself
than to think and work for the benefits of others. Therefore be devoted
to altruistic service. Have sraddha in
the piousness of your true self ( yourself). Adopt such beliefs and principles,
which contribute to the process and welfare of many others, of the masses.
Assimilate such beliefs and principles to the deepest depth of your heart. Built up such a strength
and firmness that even torture and greed encountered do not deter you; you do
not get deviated when testing times and sacrifice arise. These convictions should be pervaded with your
sraddha and thus be dear to you more than your life. Just as you make every possible
effort to save your life, in the same way be prepared to take any risk or
challenge, however big it may be, to remain true to the standing to which you
are devoted with sraddha.
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