Thursday, June 29, 2017

The only way of achieving success in both material and pshychic world is to develop a high level of character.

The reactions of attempts at shedding lethargy should appear as development commensurate with interest and promptness for work. After getting rid of habit of carelessness and responsibility, a person should appear alert , absorbed in work, regular and systematic. Human dignity is manifested as ideal traits like warm—heartedness, civility, nobaleness, farsightedness, wisdom, honesty. Self restraint, frugality, simple living, compassion are yearning for service to others. A persistent endeavour should be made to adopt these virtues so that they become deeply ingrained in nature. People in general lay emphasis on accumulation of wealth and are ever busy utilizing their enery, time and mental capability. Those who are busy interested in self progress are advised to consider wealth and prosperity secondary to the celestial attributes of vitues. The only way of achieving success in both material and pshychic world is to develop a high level of character.

Monday, June 19, 2017

The primary Ingredient for Progress of innerself ( Devotion of Excellence )

In the beginning attempts are made to resist the lesser evil habits,later progressively conquering the worst, older and deeply ingrained undesirable traits. Earlier smaller successes are conducive to increase in courage and self confidence with which undesirable traits are gradually eliminated and replaced by various tendencies. One should not feel contented only with the inner success and continue the other incessantly. It is not possible to get rid of the evil traits acquired during millions of earlier lives by simply making a resolution. ( Indian spiritual research has established that human life is the ultimate state of progressive evolution of soul in which the latter may have to pass through millions of lower lower forms or living beings in the biological kingdom). When resisted these traits retreat and lurk in some cornor of the subconscious, and at some unexpected moments appear with the much greater impact. Hence a constant vigilance is needed.Throughout life one has to be incessantly careful to ward off recurrence of evil traits of thoughts and behaviour.

Monday, June 12, 2017

The law of acquisition of para--normal capabilities ( sidhi ) by control of invisible forces of nature through sadhana is well established.

The counsel of close associates is generally conducive to promotion of selfish and mean activities. Rarely does one come across an environment which is counter active to the former. Under the circumstances, one is recommended to study and imbibe the ideals propagated by great man and saintly supper humans. Their biography and struggle in life for promoting ideals would become inspirational guidelines. It is generally not possible to meet such persons. Even when an interaction becomes possible, the time available is too short for fully comprehending their ideas and activities. Moreover, there is a world difference in their preachings in public and actions in personal life. Under the circumstances, the only simple and fool proof method is to study such useful literature daily and regularaly which is conducive to suggesting solutions to problems in life and is helpful in upgragtion and progression of moral values. However the resolve should not end only with reading. An enthusiasm also be generated for imbibing the advocated ideals in practical life with a view to finding out ways and means for adopting them. The transmulation requires a continous planning and structuring and re-structuring or the conceptual framework. This is the backaground against which the battle of mahabhatrat within innerself is waged.

Sunday, June 4, 2017

Corrupt thoughts are overcome by confronting them with noble thoughts and in practice, bad habits are to be replaced with new good habits

Corrupt thoughts are overcome by confronting them with noble thoughts and in practice, bad habits are to be replaced with new good habits. In this process a type of internal struggle begins . This transformation is not possible casually by simply wishing. It requires strong will and power of determination. For inoculation against a disease, vaccine is produced from the virus of the same disease. To remove a thron a sharp implement is needed. A physical assult is resisted with a strong physical force. To defeat an army, another army is required. For destroying a strong tank, anti- tank misile is used. In a struggle of any kind commensurate force is required. Similarly, the trendency of corrupt thinking can be counteracted by application of equally strong current of rightneous, noble thoughts. In order to extricate oneself from the sphere of influence of wickedness, an endeavour is to be made to enter an environment of virus conducive to moral upliftment. It is possible only by taking recource to study of spiritual litreture ( swadhyay ) and by seeking compny and guidance of the spiritually wise ( satsang )