The forests are capable of interacting with the clouds and
the rainfall. Droplets of dew remain undisturbed only on small plants. Deposits
of minerals are confined to particular mineral provinces. This is the type of
magnetism, which attractes components and attributes of complementary nature,
collecting them at places depending on the intensity of attraction present. The
magnetism of blooming flowers attracts bees, butterflies and humming bees. Ripening
youth automatically becomes center of attraction. Talents invite many admires
and followers . These are the miracles of various type
s of magnetism. The magnetism
of sadhak, ( person engaged in sadhana ) send an extra—sensory invitation to
the divine powers and easily persuades them for bestowing one benefit after
another. In the physical world one comes across many interest of progress. That
is why these are considered as normal, wordly and are reffered to as
achievements. People, in general, are , however, less interested in progress of
the inner –self.in this direction hardly any step are taken. Even those who attempt
to follow the path of self progress, do some haphazardly , withpout restoring
to systemic procedures.
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