innerself of man is an inexhaustive reprository of seeds of talents.
Unfortunately they are not allowed sprout and grow because of the self-imposed
overburden of the evils traits lying over the inner-self. It is the natural
quality of a piece of wood to float on water. But when it is attached with a
heavy block of rock, this natural quality of floating is supressed. Likwise, a
human being, inspite of being naturally talented, is unable to make use of them
because of the heavy load of baseness which is willingly carries on his
keles of undesirable traits of harbouring high ambitions. A common combition of man is to become wealthy so that large resources of luxury could be acquired and an exhibition of one’s affluence could be made in the community of “have nots”. After confining one’s self in such a narrow closet of selfish interest, one can hardly think of those high noble deeds which enhance one’s status of human dignity. Is it possible to row a boat forward with the help of oars when it is anchored? When a person confines his interests to narrow selfish aspirations, he can neither accept idealism nor perform any such actions which could be called commendable. Does not an ugly prostitute wear a heavy make up to make herself appear as a beautiful angel?
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