Samyam –
niyam (self-restraint) encompass many displines, prominent amongst which are
purity of food, civility of behavior, goodwill, delligence, financial prudence,
clearness, cooperation and amenability to regulations. Opposed to these virtues
are many vices like indiscpline, undue indulgence in savour, indolence,
procrastination, cruelty
irressponsilbility, wastage of resources and addictions which block the
progress of a person. All these evil
traits which are apparently not interrelatecd are not in fact off-shoots of
narrow selfishness and rackless irresponsible behavior only. The job of
handling each of these evils independently and taking corrective measures is
like making an attempt to weigh frog one by one. Just as a single dose of
multispectrum drug is able to take care of a variety of ailments, broadening of
outlook makes one clear about ones real identity, objectives and
responsibilities as a human being with this enlightment all problems arising
out of the evils vanish. As a matter of fact because of lack of wisdom man is
possessed by base instincts which by themselves are too weak and disappear on
enlightment like ghosts, which are capable of terrorising during darkness only.