Sunday, March 12, 2017

The creator has equipped the exterior and enterior of human body with constitution capable of keeping everyone on this earth robust, with a long life.

There is no end to human desires. Man wants good health and a long life. He yearns for circumstances conducive to cheerfulness and enthusiasm. Who would not like to be free of financial hardships? Who would not yearn for love of a spouse? Respectful reciprocation or behavior and warm hearted co-operation from friends is expected by all of us. Each human heart is full of suck desires but very rarely some see to their is not that co-operation does not come forth from the expected quarters, but the net result is not always what had been expected. Let us consider the first requarments of life, i.e good health. The creator has equipped the exterior and enterior of human body with constitution capable of keeping everyone on this earth robust, with a long life. Why should a human being suffer with infirmity and sickness resulting in an untimely death, when even worms, reptiles, animals and the birds are able to live a life free of deasess in their deseases in their nature habitat. The lower form of beings are found ever active. Birds keep on chirping and hopping here and there. The nightingale continues to sing, frogs crock and bees hum while buzzing past .

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