Sunday, December 25, 2016

Significance of Enviornments Of Meditation " Sadhana "

Meditation , Sadhana  I .e an endeavour for voluntary imbibination of discipline is carried out both within the inner self as well  for the physical exterior. In either of fields efforts are rewarded with success. Whichever course is chosen and perserveringly followed with meticulous diligence, takes the aspirant forward  to successive stages of success.

The farmer is well aware of the significance of sadhana. While tending to the crops he remains thoroughly involve in his field, toiling and sweating day after day thoroughout the year. In the process, he is the least concerned about the inclemency of the weather, his personal comforts and health. He caressses each and every plant  and without depending on any external guidance, at his own pace takes advance decesions from application of fertilizers, irrigation, tilling, weeding, harrowing, to production of the crop before harvesting. His own volition and inspirartion produce autonomic reactions in him to the needs of the crop, requirements of the ancilliary equipments and animals tending to them and related implemens  of farming. These are automatically and effortlessly translated into actions. In the entire process, the industrious farmer remains oblivious to exhaustion, boredom and hassle to achieve results. He does not insist on immediate results for his labour. Since he is aware that the crop take its own time to mature and he has to wait patiently till then, he remains free from the enxiety of filling his godowns with the produce. He also finds it unnecessary to anticipate any fixed quantity of grains out of the fields, since it is dependent on so many factors.

Wednesday, December 21, 2016

Cultural evolution of an individual is an obvious gift of God. With it, any one can hope to achieve the desired objectives.

A human entity is comparable to a garden bedecked with many inherent and visible physical characteristics . An endeavour to discipline, systematize and develop these talents is fully rewarded in contentment and achievements of the highest order. On the other hand, when mental attributes and physical capabilities are allowed to wander aimlessly on their own, they begain to expand in an ugly, haphazard wild growth of unkempt  throny  bushes of a forest rendering the entire field of operation difficult and inaccessible.

Like the wish—tree  kalpavricha ( a tree in heaven) a human being  has  been equipped by the almighty  to achieve success in innumerable fields, provided he makes an earnest attempt to harness his mode of living by taking recourse to correct means. The efforts made to achieve this objective are collectively known as sadhana. A number deities are being invoked with the aspioration of fulfillment of one wish or the other by their grace. In fact the truth behind this concept is only this: prayers are only means to develop one’s inherent faith and conviction which in turn control our behavioural patterns besides providing a meaningful direction to the thought process. Moreover, a person engaged in spiritual practices meticulously follows the principle of morality in life. These endeavours collectively help the individual in discarding his evil traits of character and imbibing virtues in thoughts and actions. Cultural evolution of an individual is an obvious gift of God. With it, any one can hope achieve the desired objectives.

Monday, December 19, 2016

Meditation of the Supreme Deity; God within Self.

As mentioned earlier, human existence is a repository of innumeriable potentialities,  being the supreme creation of God, it has inherited many divine attributes from the creator. Nevertheless, he has made arrangements for necessary safeguards against misutilisation of these atent powers. They become accessible to only those who acquire the wisdom of their rightful use. Since time immemorial, nature has been bestowing its gift in a measure commensurate with the deservedness of the receiver. The famous men and women through---out the course of history climbed successive peaks of success only after earning  suitable qualifications. The golden rule of para—normal achievements through self discipline is indisputable. Through the mediun of deities we endeavour to infuse self---discipline in our own self. To acquire the gift of progressiveness, man has always found it necessary to control his irrelevant desires emanating from juvenile behavioral patterns and incoherent concepts by harnessing them in culture and civility. The name, fame and success of an individual has always grown in proportion to the degree of imbibing of this age old dictum in personal life.

Saturday, December 17, 2016

Daily meditation of self---realization for evolution of inner self.

 This very endeavour is known as ‘ sadhana ‘ or self discilpline. Evidently , invocation of a deity has only objective, i.e. to active one’s inherent potentialities, make oneself adequately compotent and imbibe a high level of morality in character. As a matter of fact, the inherent divine attributes of man himself have been meta physically referred to as the influential deities who have been personified with a particular from, means of conveyance, weaponry, ornamentation etc. according to their specific characteristics.
The ritual of sadhana—upasana ( spiritual—religious practices ) are nothing but cues shrouded in mystery for activation of dormant human potentialities. They show us the way for energizing these latent talents. The authenticity of a spiritual practice ( sadhana ) lies in its objectives. In a true spiritual practice, an  entreaty to God serves as a medium for preparing a comprehensive plan for self----evolution and for preparing a suitable eniornment.


Meditation ‘Sadhana ‘ or self—discipline means an endeavour to exercise a voluntary control over personal traits. The deities being invoked are in fact symbolical representation  of one’s own inherent divine attriubutes and and ethical self. When these characteristics are in a dormant state, man suffers from unhappiness and deprivations. But as soon as they are recognized, accentuated and activated, the individual being to sense his extra ---ordinary potential of control over sensory and extra sensory elements ( ridhi ---sidhi ) of the world. A human being is basically omnipotent ( a living kalpavrikcha ). God has bestowed him with many capabilities ---with everything  required by him. The true human existence is in fact of a repository of innumerable potentialities. Their number is infinite like deposite of precious stones and minerals burried deep in the earth and lying in the abyssal depths of the ocean. However, not unlike the wealth of these deposits, the supra ---normal talents of man are not within the reach of all and sundry. A persistent  endeavour is required to unrearth them. Those who are unable to gather sufficient enterprise do not gain anything. On the otherhand, who make an effort, are rewarded in each and everything field of life.

Wednesday, December 14, 2016


One who believes in the efficacy of meditation ‘sadhana’ in life, must first imbibe unqualifying faith. This is the basic element constituting the roots of meditation. Cultivation of total faith indicates a good beginning. As a matter of fact, the deity believed to be present in places of worship in the world – without, makes its appearance within the inner self. The ‘cause’ of any environments or circumstances are thus only visible consequences of certain invisible internal thought processes. Toxins in the interanal circulatory system of the human body make their presence felt as abscess  appearing on the skin. The leaves, flowers and fruits of a tree do not materialize from space. They owe their existence to the nutrients drawn by the invisible roots. Similarily, the source of extraordinary talents in human beings lies deep within the self. One may express his huminity and gratitude to some deity, mantra or talisman for the gift of these virtues but the fact remains, that not a single instance can be cited where an undeserving person was favoured by some deity and bestowed with more favours than what he or she actually deserved.

Monday, December 12, 2016

The perfect man is not that who has money and handsome one you will meet, it is one makes you smile everyday.

The concept should be this: those being served throughout the day belonged to the garden of the creator. One’s responsibility was fulfilled tending to them. Now ( at night ), the charge is being taken empty handed over to the master while proceeding on leave. Whatever wealth, prosperity and status was given by Him for custody was His. Now leave is being taken empty handed after handling Him over His own properity. The body and mind too were on loan from the respository of God.The journey back home is being performed alone after despositing these too at the appropriate place. These are the percepts suggested for the period of retirement to bed. A practice of going to sleep with visualization of this pictorial concept produces a mental state comparable that of a sanyasi or vairagi and is sufficient to produce an alert state of self – awakening for the next twenty four hours. This state of mind is to be revived day after day, in the manner suggested above.

Friday, December 9, 2016

PARANORMAL Achievements lesson through discipline.

Indian religion is based on varnasharam ( four—fold classification of life, with duties assigned according to qualifications for each quarter of average age of man taken as hundred years ) . Religious disciplines demand that in the last phase of life before death, man live as a ( sanyasi )  an ascetic . Unfortunately, the old tradition are fast vanishing but when they were prevalent they were stricktly adhered to.  When due to some reasons one could not imbibe sanyas , till his last moments, that was a provision to provide it symbolically as” Twara sanyas “ the process of which took only a short  time. Hence the forefold process if adopted in the daily routine. While going to bed would be no less than a high level of spiritual sadhana.

The concept should be this those being served throughout  the day belong to the garden of the creator. One’s responsibility was fulfilled by tending them. Now ( atnight ) the charge is being handed over to the master while proceeding on leave. Whatever wealth, prosperity and status was given by him for custody was His. Now leave is being taken empty handed after handing Him over his property. The body and mind too were on loan from the repository of God. The journey back Home is being performed alone after depositing these too at the appropriate place”. These are the percepts suggested for the period of retirement to bed . A practice of going to sleep with visualization of this personal concept produces a mental state comparable that  of a sanyashi or vairagi and is sufficient to produce an alert state of self -  awakening for the next 24 hours. This state of mind is to be revived day after day, in the manner suggested above.

Tuesday, December 6, 2016

PARANORAMAL Achievements; through self Discipline

Only those who have sportsman spirit enjoy life. The character in a play enact various roles but later do not  leave much  impact  on their lives. Wisdom lies in doing one’s own duty with full honesty and alertness. Considering the above policy as the focal point of one’s contentment and fulfillmenlt of responsibilities. When desires are de liminated to doing only one’s duties and the truth of dependence of consequences on circumstances is accepted, the constantly troubling anxieties are desoved without effort, one  who welcomes failures and successes without any distinction and has achieved equanimity may be called tatvadarshi ( one who realizes  the supreme truth ) or a true scientist.
Only such an individual is able to enjoy the drama of life and keeps himself as well as his associates in a state of perpetual happiness. Renunciation ( vairagaya or sanyasi ) refer only to the state of mind. These dare the persons who are called anasakta or sthith pragyavan . when one goes to bed with this frame of mind, he gets a sound sleep feels relaxed amd is able to feel refereshed on awakening.
Indian religion is based on varnasharam ( four—fold classification of life, with duties assigned according to qualificationrs for each quarter of average age of man taken as hundred years ) . Religious disciplines demand that in the last phase of life before death, man live as a sanyasi ( an asecetic ). Unfortunately, the old tradition are fast vanishing but when they were prevalent they were stricktly adhered to.  When due to some reasons one could not imbibe sanyas, till his last moments, that was a provision to provide it symbolically as” Twara sanyas “ the process of which took only a short  time. Hence the forefold process if adopted in the daily routine. While going to bed would be no less than a high level of spiritual sadhana.