It happened
in the year 1981. An English lady named Patrick Mary found herself inflicted
with breast cancer. Pathological examinations revealed that other parts of her
body were also indicating symptoms of cancerous growth. She was declared
terminally ill and informed that through treatment was being continued as a
matter of routine, she had hardly six months left to survive. The news was
shocking . ‘was there no treatment
possible, she queried. The doctors attending on her told in one voice, that had
she got herself examined a few months earliar and had correct diagnonsis been
made in time, perhaps she could have been treated and saved her life. Why did
she not get herself examined earlier?
There was a reason. Then there was only one “cat scanning Machine”
available in Enland and there were long queues of patients awaiting their turn
to be examined. For this reason many patients could not get themselves examined
before it was too late. Patrick Mary was one of them. when she had only six
months left to live, why should not she make best use of her remaining life-
she mused? She thought that if it was not possible for her to arrange for
installation of such machines all over her country, since each of them was then
worth thirty million rupees. But if she could concentrate all her energy and
resources,she could at least arrange for two such installations and save the
life of fifty percent patients. patrick
formulated her plan of action.
She spoke about her pitiable situation on the national telecast suggesting
about the possibility of saving the life of many like her, if arrangements could
be made for thirty million rupees for installation of one more cat scan
Machine. The telecast made an impact on many philanthropists who began to send
contributions according to their faith in the cause. It encouraged the lady
further who now began to dedicate her entire time and energy for this mission.
As a consequence, the entire local administration came forward to provide the
logistics necessary for commissioning of other machines within the stipulated
period. During these activities she remained so actively involved and engrossed
in her work, that she totally forgot about her own disease, its treatment and
even about her other personal affairs.

After her
objective was achieved, one day she was reminded of her ailment by her
associates who advised her to consult her physicians to find out how many days
of her remaining life were left? But the doctor who examined her thoroughly
surprised to find that not a trace of cancerous tissues was left in her body.
She was fully cured. To solve the riddle of this unusual transformation, a
committee of medical experts was constituted. After prolonged investigations,
the committee reached the uanaimous
conclusion that the only reason for appearance of this unusual competence for recovery has
been her total disregard to death and disease. Ignoring which she had used her
entire will power for higher goals of philanthropic activities.
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